The last time I picked my camera up was on Wednesday. I had just gotten back from school and as I was walking up the drive I saw that the ewe was finally having her lambs! So I rushed upstairs, put my gear down, and grabbed my camera. I didn’t really take pictures at first just kind of watched. Besides my lens couldn’t zoom close enough! Giving birth is a long process so there wasn’t much to see so I found myself just hanging around outside with m camera, I didn’t want to go inside out of the sun and do work. Kim was also outside working on his project, digging holes so I was also chatting with him and just enjoying being outside. As I was doing this I found myself looking around/observing nature and my surroundings and just admiring it really. There was the sheep in the paddock, Kim working away and all his tools lying around, barb wire fencing, wooden posts, and lots of things! With my camera in one hand I began to shoot and found the beauty in these objects; the wound around barbed wire fence with one leaf wrapped in it and the wooden posts with fungi on top. There were many other things that I took pictures of but I was not happy with the shot so just moved on. I also experimented with the settings on my camera, such as depth of field, and had a go at taking pictures of Kim at work as I want to explore the portrait side of photography. I didn’t realize there were still so many things I could photograph around my home and I was really pleased! After taking photos I ventured on inside to put them on my computer where I would edit them if necessary, and I did.
'One of the greatest gifts of photography is it “helps to keep our cups full… photography always fills us with beauty and joy and energy.”'
(Dewitt Jones, Outdoor Photographer, May 2006, p. 84. As cited in Hixon, S. (2011)
Hixon, S. (2011). Photography and spirituality or the inner world of the borderline photographic personality. Retrieved 08/10/11 from

Hi Rachael, I am really enjoying you're blog it is well written, and i like how your answers to class content is woven into a story. I am a photographer myself and am enjoying your photos. Have you explained all of the photography 'language' to the readers f-stop, shutter speed ect, this may also be another opportunity to add in some more quotes and references.
ReplyDeletewell done :)
Rachael you have a real talent for photography here! Your stories are great. I find photography just so amazing and I agree that there is so much to photograph. Just gotta get the right angle etc to make it a great photo. I used to do photography myself so I can appreciate how fun it is to play around with the settings on the camera and experiment photographing different things. Keep up the awesome work!