Thursday, October 13, 2011

References and Comments

 Comments on student blogs
Rachael said...  Matt! I love how you have written how you felt a sense of happiness and accomplishment from playing a piece of music. It sounds like guitar is very important to you. Just a thought (the class was a bit unclear though) are'nt we only meant to have one main need for this activity. So what's the one particular need for playing you're guitar, more than anything else?? I woould like to give you an example but this proves to be too hard and I'd probably confuse you!

Rachael said...  I like how you discussed that knitting goes back to you're women-ness and heritage. Also, how it links in with you're relationships. Knitting sounds like an important aspect of your life and love reading you're posts. Would love to see some pictures :) 

Rachael said...  I loved reading this! It was good to see you say why you made some of you're decisions. Also great use of references, keep it up! Nice questions at the end, shows you have thought about things. P.S I really do think it is about the taste, and thanks so much for your comment :) & mentioning that movie! 

Rachael said… Kerryn, I love the way you have told you're story. I can really see how this activity lends itself to communication and connection.


Arendt, H. (1958). The human Condition. Chicago & London: The University of Chicago Press.

Cohen, B., Jinks, D., (Producers) & Mendes, S. (Director). (1999). American Beauty. United States: Dreamwork Pictures   

Creek, J & Lawson-Porter. (Eds). (2007) Contempory issues in occupational therapy. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

Crepeau E. ( 2003 ). Analyzing occupation and activity: A way of thinking about occupational performance. In Crepeau E., Cohn E, & Schell B (Eds.), Willard and Spackman’s occupational therapy ( 10th ed., pp.189-198). Philadelphia: Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins 

Galer, M. (2007). Photography foundations for art & design: The creative photography handbook. (4th ed.). Oxford: Elsevier Ltd

Hixon, S. (2011). Photography and spirituality or the inner world of the borderline photographic personality. Retrieved 08/10/11 from

Zettl, H. (1999). Sight, sound, motion: Applied media aesthetics. (3rd ed.). USA: Wadsworth Publishing Company.

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