Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Botanical Gardens

“When I experience the joy of discovery, of images that celebrate light, colour, texture, shape, of the hidden beauty in inherent people, landscapes, wildlife, the world that reflects God’s glory - when I'm doing that I feel his pleasure.” 
- Steve Hixon


  1. Hi Rachel, I love your photo's they are all really beautiful, and its easy to see that you love taking pictures, and playing around with the different settings and appertures of your camera.

  2. Rach, I love your photos =) they are all amazing and I can definitely see that you have a passion for photography. Continue doing an amazing job!!! I look forward to seeing more pictures in the future =D

  3. Hey Rachel, I loved looking at your blog! Your photos look amazing! And your stories are so interesting to read! You are really good at reflecting.
